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Welcome to our website!


Hello! And welcome to my website 😊! I am so pleased to be able to share it with you. When I initially decided that I wanted to have a website for Perfect Gait, I’ll be honest, I didn’t quite realise how much work it entailed! Luckily, I have had the fantastic support of Rachel Does Designs to help me along the way because, if I hadn’t, I am not sure I’d have made it this far. However, I do think in my case it was Rachel patiently Does Designs because I don’t think I have been the easiest of customers! Never the less, we’re here now and I certainly think it has been worth all the hard work and, not only have I got a great website to give my business a base, I have also learnt a few things along the way! I thought I might share them with you, just incase any of you ever find yourself in a similar position- you might find them useful!

1. Ideas ALWAYS sound better in your head than on the page….be sure to give yourself at least 5 hours to write one sentence.

2. Guessing how to spell difficult words is time consuming, especially when you ‘think’ it is spelt in the same way of an actual other word (and so not recognised by spell check).

3. Contrary to popular belief, it is not the length of my legs which has prevented me from becoming a model….I am HORRIFICLY AKWARD in front of the camera. Always designate half a day to get a handful of photos and enlist the help of a VERY PATIENT and TALENTED photographer.

4. Pressing PUBLISH on a website editor does exactly that- whether it’s ready or not…the software doesn’t know you did it by mistake.

5. Check there is a backup saved on hand over….not needed this yet but I’ve learnt to think ahead 😊

I thought it would be fun to share some of the photos that didn’t make the website…

Flo taking a bite of finger as well as treat

Of course, the killer cat had to make an appearance...

And for this one, I have no words!

Please look around the site and always feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or comments. Holly x

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